EZ Hearing LLC


39595 W 10 Mile Rd. Suite 106,
Novi, MI 48375

EZ Hearing LLC

Phone Number

(248) 536-2444

Understanding Hearing Loss


Hearing loss stems from factors like loud noise exposure, aging, genetics, infections, or medications. Identifying the cause is crucial for effective treatment.


Categorized into conductive, sensorineural, and mixed, hearing loss varies in origin.

Conductive: Relates to the ear canal or middle ear issues. 

sensorineural to inner ear damage.

Mixed involves a combination.


Hearing loss can be progressive and difficult to notice. Recognizing the signs of hearing loss early is key to improving your hearing. The major signs of hearing loss are: difficulty understanding speech, tinnitus, and needing to turn the volume up on the TV.


Treatment options will vary based on the type and cause of hearing loss.

Hearing Loss and Dementia:

Untreated hearing loss correlates with increased dementia risk. Timely intervention supports cognitive well-being.

Hearing Aids:

Hearing aids come in a variety of different technology levels and styles. Our expert audiologist can help you to determine the best solution for you.


Hearing aids classified by style include BTE (behind-the-ear), ITE (in-the-ear), and ITC (in-the-canal), catering to individual preferences.

Technology Levels:

Different tech levels meet diverse needs. Basic models offer essential features, while advanced options include noise cancellation, Bluetooth, and adaptive microphones, allowing tailored choices.

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